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Reporting a Medication Error

Liquid in Fish Oil Capsules Interacts with Foam Cups

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Republished September 9, 2024

A nurse caring for a patient who was unable to swallow Lovaza (omega-3 fatty acids), punched holes in the large, soft gelatin capsule, squeezed the oily yellow liquid contents into a disposable foam (Styrofoam) cup, and diluted it with cranberry juice. Later, as the patient raised the cup to drink the juice, the cup began to leak.

The product information has no warnings regarding the need to swallow the capsules whole or avoid contact with foam cups. Further investigation found no mention of this issue in the medical literature. However, an internet search of “omega 3” (fish oil) and “Styrofoam” drew a number of hits, including a You Tube video demonstrating the action of over-the-counter omega-3 products put in foam cups with hot water.

We conducted our own test. The walls of a foam cup containing liquid from a Lovaza capsule began to dissolve within a minute; the bottom of the cup dissolved after 10 minutes. Other liquid capsule products such as vitamin E did not appear to affect the cup.

It is not known whether it is the omega-3 fatty acid or some other component of the liquid that is causing this reaction. The effect upon other types of plastic (e.g., special plastic syringes used for oral liquids) and potential toxicity from dissolved plasticizers is also unknown but clearly needs to be investigated by companies that provide omega-3 products so information can be added to labeling.

The manufacturer of Lovaza, GSK, does state on the package insert that the capsule should be swallowed whole - do not break open, crush, dissolve or chew. We do not know if other brand or generic omega-3 fatty acids include this information one their labels. So, if you have difficulty swallowing the capsule, talk to your pharmacist about alternatives.

Incidentally, “Styrofoam” is a Dow Chemical Company trademark for a different plastic than foam used in cups.

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