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Reporting a Medication Error

Have a Safe Trip (with Your Medicines)

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Republished June 18, 2024

Traveling on vacation can be hectic enough without the added problem of worrying about your medicines. Keep in mind that medicines are sensitive to temperature extremes. Therefore, if you are traveling to a hot and humid climate, take extra care to keep your medicines in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Never store them in your car's glove compartment or trunk. If your travels take you to places that include water activities, be sure to keep your medicines in a sealed container where they can stay cool and dry.

When flying, pack medicines in your carry bag. This way, you will have access to them during your flight and it will ensure you have them when you arrive at your destination. Packing them in your checked bag may expose them to extreme temperatures. And sometimes checked bags get lost. It is also a good idea to bring more medicine with you than you need in case your travels get delayed.

Remember to keep medicines stored in their original container. Write down and bring a list of all the medicines you take. Include the drug name, doses, when you take it, and how much you take. Also, bring important phone numbers with you including your doctors and local pharmacy.

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