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Reporting a Medication Error

Don’t confuse a product called WartSTICK with lip balm!

bc4c6771b68b0ed330f1918b8b62d9c4 MMany people are familiar with over-the-counter wart treatments. They're typically liquid based or are packaged in an aerosol container with a special application tip. But did you know there is also a wart remover that uses a dry formulation in the form of a stick? Within the last year a company called Balassa Laboratories has repackaged an old formula of a solid stick wart remover (previously packaged under the name PediFix). The newly packaged product, called WartSTICK, is now available at popular chain drugstores such as CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens on-line. Our concern? It looks identical to a container of lip balm. The active ingredient in WartSTICK is salicylic acid, which should NEVER come in contact with the lips or mucous membranes inside your mouth.

If you purchased WartSTICK, take precautions to avoid accidently mixing up this product with a lip balm. Beware that this product does not come in a child proof container, so always keep WartSTICK away from a child's reach.wartstick packaging

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