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Reporting a Medication Error

Arm fracture caused by a medication safety cap

9e9e1351d6a763151a8613c1dd10d427 MDo you or someone you know have a history of bone disease and easily prone to fractured bones? Medication bottles with safety caps are designed to protect children from accidental ingestion, but, on occasion, can contribute to patient harm. An elderly patient with multiple myeloma (a type of bone cancer) suffered a spiral fracture of the right arm while trying to remove the child-resistant cap on her medication bottle. The act of pushing down and twisting broke the weakened bone and caused the fracture.

If you or someone you know has a history of bone disease and is prone to easily fractured bones, consider using medicines without a safety cap.Over-the counter medications can be purchased without safety caps and you can request your prescription medicine to be dispensed without one. But when safety caps are not used, be sure to safely store your medicine to avoid accidental exposure.


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